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What is surrogacy?

" Ethical, transparent, legal, surrogate mother friendly and intended mother friendly, oldest surrogate mother program "

In a routine IVF treatment (test tube baby treatment) eggs (oocyte) are taken out from the body of a female partner. Sperm are collected from the male partner. Eggs are fertilized with the sperm and embryos are prepared in the IVF lab. These prepared embryos are transferred into the uterus of a female partner – mother. If the lady conceives, she bears the pregnancy and delivers the child.

In surrogate mother treatment, IVF is done same as a routine IVF treatment but rather than transferring the embryos in the uterus of female partner, the embryos are transferred into the uterus of another lady-surrogate mother.

Surrogate mother bears the pregnancy and gives birth to the child. The surrogate mother hands over the child to the intended parents after birth, hence in surrogate mother treatment, the source of genetic material(Egg, sperm-inheritance) is 100% of the couple (intended parents) only. Surrogate mother only bears the pregnancy, delivers the child and hand it over to the couple. She does not contribute anything genetically. Hence the child does not get affected by the genetic constitution or physical characteristics of the surrogate.

If a couple needs donor egg or donor sperm for the IVF treatment, they can still go for surrogate mother treatment using IVF with donor eggs/sperms. Even in the rare situation surrogate mother’s egg or her husband’s sperm is never used for gamete donation as it can cause serious emotional and legal issues.

Being A Surrogate
  • A married lady with the consent of her husband and if needed, of all family members only becomes a surrogate mother.
  • The intended couple is informed about the background of the intended surrogate
  • mother.
  • If the intended couple finds intended surrogate suitable, a couple surrogate meeting is organized.
  • The intended couple interacts with the intended surrogate mother and her husband.
  • If both the parties are satisfied, the treatment is started.
Being A Surrogate
  • A married lady with the consent of her husband and if needed, of all family members only becomes a surrogate mother.
  • The intended couple is informed about the background of the intended surrogate mother.
  • If the intended couple finds intended surrogate suitable, a couple surrogate meeting is organized.
  • The intended couple interacts with the intended surrogate mother and her husband.
  • If both the parties are satisfied, the treatment is started.

Our Services

Santan ART bank offers the following services:

  • Freezing and storing of donor sperm
  • Long Term Semen Storage
  • Long Term Embryo Storage
  • Long Term Storage of Frozen Eggs
  • Andrology Laboratory Services
  • Andrology Services
  • Semen Analysis
  • Sperm Washing
  • Density Gradient Wash
  • Standard Wash
More Info

Promoted by - Bavishi Fertility Institute
Next to Adani CNG & Gajarawala Flats,
Paldi Cross Roads, Paldi, Ahmedabad, India.
Website : www.ivfclinic.com
Toll free (From India) 1 800 233 3434