Who needs sperm donation
Absolute Indication
- Where a person’s sperm cannot be used e.g. Great genetic indication
- Sperms are absent e.g. Azoospermia
- Single mother
- Lesbian couples
- Untreated azoospermia
Relative Indication
- Person either has choice of using his own sperm but have high risk of genetic indication.
- Unexplained infertility
- Unexplained BOH
- Treatment is available but is expensive.
Our Services
Santan ART bank offers the following services:
- Freezing and storing of donor sperm
- Long Term Semen Storage
- Long Term Embryo Storage
- Long Term Storage of Frozen Eggs
- Andrology Laboratory Services
- Andrology Services
- Semen Analysis
- Sperm Washing
- Density Gradient Wash
- Standard Wash
More Info
Promoted by - Bavishi Fertility Institute
Next to Adani CNG & Gajarawala Flats,
Paldi Cross Roads, Paldi, Ahmedabad, India.
Website : www.ivfclinic.com
Toll free (From India) 1 800 233 3434